Do you Have your Valentine’s Day Wedding Officiant?

Call or text to 864.214.6447 to book your Valentine’s Day Wedding Officiant now! Continue reading

Have an Upcoming Wedding Ceremony at Zen? I am your Officiant

Need a Wedding Officiant for your upcoming wedding ceremony? No worries about vows or what steps to take after, I’ll least you ALL THE WAY! Continue reading

Happy Anniversary to Madeleine and David | Married November 20, 2021

Madeleine and David were married in a Home Ceremony in Travelers Rest, South Carolina on Saturday, November 20, 2021.

The pair recently sent this photo to commemorate their marriage and the following message…
“I’m sending a couple of pics of 3 years ago, very memorable for us and grateful to have you with us on that day.”

Marriage License Application Process in Greenville County, SC

The Marriage License Division in Greenville County requires in-person application by both parties. Fees vary based on residency and start at $45 for Greenville County residents. Ceremony is mandatory in South Carolina, and there’s a 24-hour waiting period once application is filed. Licenses are valid statewide. Applications can be made online or in person, ensuring timely planning. Continue reading

Happy Anniversary to the Musheffs

I am a committed wedding officiant and I specialize in creating short, yet meaningful ceremonies for loving couples. Let’s make sure your big day is truly unforgettable. Continue reading