With New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day approaching, most banks and other financial offices will be closed. WeddingsbySonita.com and GreenvilleNotary.com will be OPEN for business.
Outside of two Marriage Ceremonies on New Year’s Eve (December 31, 2019), the New Year 2020 is OPEN and AVAILABLE for Booking for Marriages, Notary Work and More.
You can Book an Appointment online by CLICKING HERE FOR NOTARY SERVICE.
You can Book a Marriage or Wedding Service by CLICKING HERE FOR MARRIAGE SERVICE.
Safety point for New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day celebrations: WATCH THE ROAD, especially when you know that during these specific days there will be more motorists on the road that will be under the influence of alcoholic beverages.
If you are one of them, remember to DRINK RESPONSIBLY. Also, remember that not everyone is in a 4-wheel vehicle. Watch for those who are on mopeds and motorcycles. Look Twice, Save a Life.
From you Marriage Notary,
Sonita M. Leak
Owner of WeddingsbySonita.com & GreenvilleNotary.com