Come one, come all; come get your Weddings by Sonita gear today! Whether you are a couple that was married by me, you are going to be married by me, or you just wanna look cute.
Within the shop, you can select over 100 different products – clothing items, coffee mugs, aprons, phone cases, baby clothing (bibs included), pet paraphernalia and MUCH MORE.
Customize it.
When you select your products within the shop, you have the ability to customize them with your own sayings, given space, or you can choose to order with the Weddings by Sonita logo print alone.
Gift it.
Ever though, what would be the perfect Wedding gift for a couple getting married by me? Look no further. You have a wide selection at hand.
Just check out some of the products available for purchase below:
Organic Baby Body Suit Weddings by Sonita Hoodie “I Said I Do.” Baseball Cap Weddings by Sonita Hoodie Organic Baby Body Suit “I Said I Do.” Baseball Cap Organic Baby Body Suit Weddings by Sonita Hoodie
The link directly to the shop can be found HERE. You can also Copy and Paste the Shop link into your browser from
That’s all folks. To find out who won and what you won, refer to my Facebook post at or CLICK HERE.
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