Course Summary
Becoming Wedding Officiant – This session will focus on the beginning stages… putting brain to pencil, paper or electronic device.
What does it take to START a Wedding Officiant business? Get the ‘before your couple jumps the broom’ information.
The Act of Officiating – This session focuses on knowing your Officiant ROLE. I will give you massive tips and provide doable steps to make your Wedding Officiant business unique and operate efficiently.
Promotion and Advertising -In this session, your host will provide helpful information on getting your business out to your target audience. Don’t spin your wheels doing things that aren’t helpful to your business.
Working in and With the Wedding Industry – In this session, we’ll discuss working as a Wedding Officiant amongst other Wedding professionals. Yes, you have your own business, however, you also have to find balance between working your business, working with the couple and working with others.